Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

The current GT500 is already a crack pipe price. IDC if it does have the most powerful V8, no Mustang should ever cost over 50-60k. Paying a grand a month for a Mustang is as stupid as what the mayor was doing to Detroit. Read more

"his loan term was $1,062 a month for six years. Millions of dollars in ill-gotten funds, and you're paying a grand a month plus interest? Maybe that's rich people logic I don't understand." Read more

"You are the scum of society and a rotten husband. Get out of my court room!"

I feel the closing Nice Price or Crack Pipe joke would work better in a story about mayors from Washington or Toronto. Read more

$1,062 * 72 months = $76,464... that is a lot for a Shelby. Read more

The guy from Peru is in Detroit right now apparently, talking to people and making plans, oh, like an actual developer. The county needs to tell Hults to pay now or go away. What exactly the guy from Peru can accomplish is still unknown but at least there is a glimmer of hope he will do something. Read more

Maybe I'm in left field here - but couldn't they give it away to someone who promised to do something with it? Read more

Shame they couldn't close the deal in time to turn this into an epically scary haunted house. Read more

I'll pay $50 for it and then lease it out to the first person to agree to build a track difficult enough to save everyone from having to drive the 'Ring in order to earn their chops. Read more

I had a feeling he wouldn't pull thru either, which is disappointing, I thought the render for his plan was awesome! Read more

Damn shame the cop didn't empty his clip into this shitdroodle. The condescension and smarmy entitlement in this asshat's voice is quite clear. Read more

I will never understand why people feel the need to argue "their side" with cops during traffic stops. No cop is ever gonna stop and say "you know what? My bad, be on your way good citizen." Read more

Like I said on the previous article, the bigger who came in second place that it defaults down to when she can't come up with the money should be getting his check book ready. Read more

If she doesn't come through, the county should go after her and make her rue the day. Scary that someone who would produce such rambling nonsense is able to get two nickels to rub together. A doctor? Read more

Mountain Lake is in VA not far from me. It's the resort/hotel from Dirty Dancing. I've never actually seen that movie but some reason I know it's where they filmed it.... Read more