Something's fishy. $6M+ is just a crazy sum for this property. Read more
Something's fishy. $6M+ is just a crazy sum for this property. Read more
Other key word: "pre-production" Read more
I defy someone to find a cooler use of a retire K-Mart. Read more
We had a lotto winner in Grand Rapids who would surely as clockwork smash his Viper every summer at least once. Gen I and II Vipers had an enormous hood in Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) that needed to cure in the mold for a certain number of hours. With the high demand of the car and only two molds in existence,… Read more
This is my favorite Jalop headline since this fateful day in 2009. Read more
This is jsut palin awesome! I had no idea Vipers were hand done to this extent. Read more
I'm a millenial "car enthusiast" (imagine that?!?) And I'm always amazed at how disconnected these old fuckers at car publications are. If we could afford cars, we'd fucking buy them, simple as least for me. I constantly read magazines, forums, and sites all saying that people like me (millenial car guy)… Read more
Hey now, let's not get on Jalopnik for being the messenger here. They report, you decide. Read more
Some clowns are also taking Chicago hipsters and old people afraid of walking around the hood on guided photo tours in downtown Gary, charging a fee and forcing people to sign waivers (and also making noise about a bullshit $50 permit from the city, which the city actually knows little to nothing about). Screw that,… Read more
i love detroit...prob more than the next guy...but all the 'urban explorers' need to be cautious...nobody, regardless of age, race, creed, etc...likes a bunch of people coming to their city to snap photos for instagram. Think about're a homeless guy with nothing in your belly for days...and a group of… Read more
Quadratec gave one away recently.. I registered for it every week. Not the winner, of course. :(
I think what's important here is not that the ad doesn't "target," but that it doesn't assume that the only thing about being a minority is actually being a minority. People don't mind having their interests leveraged, but they do mind feeling like they're single-dimensional— because that's just pandering. Read more
This is just not prevalent in car advertising, this type of marketing is used to target all segments. During a NASCAR race the ads are targeted specifically to "typical" (White) race fans in the South and SE, it's true just watch a NAPA commercial. Even the McD's commercials are targeted to this group, but then the…
That was maybe him just poking at the Vette team for fun.
When was it, the 70's? When Olds, Pontiac, Chev, and Buick were all developing their own V8 and were one-upping each other. I don't think that's what is going on here.
Plus, at such limited numbers, even if they can run all over the Z51 optioned C7 with the… Read more
Fuck him, indeed. Expecially for making Huel Perkins read those texts on air.