Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

If this is the plant that A) produced most of the Model T's, the car that really put the world on wheels and B) was the first to truly utilize the assembly line to its full potential, would this not be considered perhaps the most important/significant factory ever in manufacturing? Read more

heck yeah dude im down for $20. It's on the ol' automotive bucket list to see this place. Click the link dudes, who's with me? Read more

I'm all for kicking in $5 for the effort and it is a National Historic Site. But where is the Ford Motor Company? $1.2b Q2 profits? Read more

All for it. I'm sure the neighborhood associations (especially FMJ and Midtown Inc) would support it, if the they can find a way to raise the money to pay the fee on a district by district basis. We're already used to doing so many things to move the city forward, without the help of City Hall, why not this? Read more

Slow's is a hipster douchebag magnet that has jumped the shark and is now a cliche....literally. Read more

That's a good list. Maybe Detroit.Jalopnik should do some serious long-form pieces (or a vlog report) on them. most of the links you posted were to twitter or facebook feeds, hardly a place to understand how their actions are 'saving detroit.' there were a couple articles on D.J., but we all know the results of the Read more

Aaron that's a great list - why not profile some of them on this column? I'd read it. If people complain that it's not car related, ask them what they drive. Read more

While yes, it's cliche, it's more positive nationwide coverage this city so desperately needs. Detroit is in such a glut negative publicity that it would take years of positive media to dig us out. I have friends all over the country and the greetings in majority of correspondence from them start "Did they finally Read more

Interesting about these Detroit stories because I live around Oakland CA and its sort of the same thing: " Oh Lookie! Hipsters are moving there! It must be all cool now..." Read more

Guy Fieri figured it out and visited the Traffic Jam. I used to eat there all the time, WAY back in the late 80's. They appear to be thriving still.

I've been watching some of Al-Jazeera America and along with their new website it feels like a cynical attempt to ingratiate themselves with American viewers; the marketing message seems to be "we get you." Unfortunately, it's all contrived reporting pretending to offer something more substantive. Some of the stories Read more

Maybe a stray dog in Detroit beat the guy up and stole his hotdog one day, so he has to write bad stuff about stray dogs in Detroit to get even. Read more

I saw that on last night and thought I wonder if an article about this will be on Jalopnik. Read more

I just had some shitty chicken strips for lunch and all your article did was make me hungry for Slows. Read more

Maybe not 50,000, but it's not like it isn't an issue. Purely anecdotal, but I worked in the city for 7 years and go back often, and there ARE many stray dogs wandering the streets of the D. Read more

This is very simple to figure out, if you just do the math. There are roughly 700,000 Detroit residents. 700,000 divided by 50,000 equals 14 stray dogs per resident. If you assume there are no stray dogs downtown, in Midtown, Corktown, or Southwest Detroit, then there have to be many more than 14 stray dogs per person Read more