John Krewson

As a confirmed Jalop, with significant experience of other Jalops, I can say with confidence that readers of that site really have no problem with asking for directions. They don't, though, because they really enjoy being lost. Read more

@pauljones: True as far as it goes. As they get more expensive, though, the interior becomes harder to ignore. And speed demons appreciate a total pride-of-ownership experience as much as the next demographic. Read more

I know a guy who makes this sort of thing out of birch ply and black laminate. Very nice. Read more

@$kaycog: Wouldn't say it turned my crank. More of a "it takes all kinds" feeling. Like when I see someone driving an IH Scout; don't want one, but I'm glad they're there. Makes the world more interesting. Read more

@$kaycog: Reminds me of a duck, too. I actually have a soft spot for kits, even fiberfabs, as long as they're done playfully. Most aren't, which is weird. Read more

@$kaycog: While acknowledging that this is a thundering abomination, I still kind of want it. I mean, if they're giving them away. Read more

This video doesn't even showcase his performance-enhancing four-game independent suspension. Read more

@verdegrrl: It should get its own moment, and I'm glad to have helped give you yours. Don't be a stranger, now. Read more

@Emmanuel Transmission: Get to typing! GET TO TYPING! Stories with blood, up to but not including hospitalization therefrom, are a bonus. It's Put Garage of Horror in the subject line. And thank you in advance. Read more