Rusty Van Horn

My god that is hideous. Disgusting. How dare you post a pic of a New Beetle convertible. Read more

Yeah....sure she wasn't.

Thanks $kay....nice to see something thin and slinky and fast in these posts. Shame they are ruined by the ever fattening Loti Read more

Now I am a 3.5 time COTD winner. Dawgs. Someone edit the Wikipedia page stat.

Spiegels at the laptop

Coolest garage I've ever seen...your worshipfullness

Did you hear that Wesley? Don't be funny. Also, tonight, wear those Spiderman Underoos I'm particularly fond of.

Our mom was a maid who died. We don't find this very funny.

You ever have to put up with your families relatives being sent to live with you, because for some reason they are unable to avoid fisticuffs whilst playing basket and ball?


Shit...My boss owns a cleaners and I still have to do laundry

You should network with an HR professional with a large company and run the images by them. Your reality since you work there and our reality are two different things. Read more