
Right. Driving 115 on an empty highway? NBD. Driving 115 with other cars around that could possibly switch into your late is dangerous. Going onto on to on ramps and shoulders to pass traffic is fucking stupid. Read more

We’re dicks! We’re reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong-il is an asshole. Pussies don’t like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes - assholes who just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way, Read more

There’s a left wing, a right wing, it’s all a disaster scene and one of the wings is on fire. This is like a metaphor for something or other Read more

Comes with an anti driver mod or ADM. Ask your BMW dealer for the combination of button presses to turn off the ADM and you’ll be parking straight and indicating like a normal driver in no time. Read more

First off, the Bronco wasn’t a piece of shit, that rode rough. Yes it got bad mileage, but so did everything in its class, and most of them STILL get bad mileage new, Tahoe, etc. I’m a GM guy, but let’s be fair. Read more

It was clearly the british government because elon musk is hugo drax. Read more

It’s not even that. It allowed players to try out new vehicles with no stakes rather than spending GTAO$ for a car that ends up being a piece of shit. There haven’t been any single player additions since the DLC before heists. Why Rockstar built mechanics to make over a billion dollars with each character in single Read more

Until they get rid of these little dingleberries, hope isn’t completely lost.

In my virtual kingdoms I’ve put in countless hours to fully gear out my characters. My overwatch gorilla has the finest jackets and hats. My fallout character lives in a beautiful, sprawling city that I custom designed. He even has a stable 401k. I am married to a hulking, horned demon in another game. In the real Read more

Nah, Glock 7. Ceramic. Costs more than you make in a year. Read more

Not that many of the two seaters around. Maybe the same one Adam Savage took his famous TV flight in?
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They should have brought back dancing, pool, car hopping competitions, fitness gyms, gambling and fighting styles from GTA San Andreas. Read more

A friend of mine wanted to show how many bullet holes he had collected in his Kuruma, but he couldn’t enter a Los Santos Customs, or else it would be repaired. Read more

This, 100%. In addition to other reasons (cheaters, campers, foul-mouthed 8-year-olds,) this is why I abandoned COD. I pay $60 for the game, then have to pay an additional $15/month for map packs, then another $10 for weapon skins. The game should come out complete. Not use the customer as a beta tester.
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Fifth place in the Lifehacker Office Chair Hive Five. From Lifehacker: "... was designed primarily for people who sit in their chairs for long periods of time working long hours. The design may not win any artsy awards, but its customizable components, add-ons, and independent control over the seat height, arm height, Read more