Nah, with the MC DLC they got some new moves...
Not paranoia, the NPCs are programed to interfere with the player.
2x4 chunks are quite flexible. Not shown are the 2x4 coasters (1/8" thick), the drill bit holders I have at home.
For me it was a last generation Geo/Chevy Metro sedan. Yes this was a while ago (2001?). In the car’s defence I did drive it like a maniac but so did everyone else on the So. Cal Autobahn (I-15 between Corona and Temecula). The little car strugled to get above 80MPH, got blown into other lanes when a Semi or Bro Dozer… Read more
I like this variant better:
Exhaust manifolds on my 1963 Thunderbird. Did that job 4 times (Because 390) each time my hands would come out cut and bloody I would lose at least two pieces of hardware down the “black hole” (Body cavity in the uni-body). That hole would also eat a ratchet/socket combo 2 out of the 4 jobs. 5 of the 8 bolts would… Read more