
Also don't think you will REQUIRE a new high-voltage/extremely high torque, bulky drill for household use.

600Ft Lbs of torque out of a 4BT I'm sure doesn't conform to any clean air regulation. Read more

That would be until EPA or ARB hunt you down. Read more

Yes it can be. On top of disposal fees a contractor has to pay the hourly wage of 1-3 guys + workers comp + taxes + permitting fees + enough profit to make it worthwhile. Read more

Another re-use for kitchen cabinets is garage bench/overhead storage. Think about it, you're pulling out modular boxes with pretty decent storage capabilities that are as good or possibly better than the $1000 and up modular garage cabinets big box retailers sell. Just replace the countertop (If you had to destroy it) Read more

What are you talking about? He transmitted it using morse code telepathically to the... world. Unfortunately I don't know morse code so i have no idea what he said. Read more

Threatening divorce over getting rid of newspapers? Sorry to say, that isn't borderline hoarding, that is hoarding. If I were you I would start having her treated now before the tendencies get any worse. Read more

I can only guess that is what happened before the guy hit record on his phone. Typically, someone doesn't start recording a stranger without cause. Read more

Especially since it's sans a major refresh for over 10 years! Seriously, I just took delivery of a 2015 Taco for my company and besides the side curtain airbags, the front facia and the fancy headunit it's the same truck my wife bought in 2006. Read more

They'll show up. I went from seeing 1 in the wild to seeing at least 2 dozen in the last week and a half. Read more

At least the refinery is on the "good" side of the tracks. Read more

Anything can be broken down. You just need a bigger hammer, chainsaw or fire. The third option always works best. Read more

Volvo: Like a brick.

Can we at least make this thing affordable? I'm tired of seeing X Motors E-car! only $73,000 before incentives! Only to find out it's just another shitty compact with shit range that requires 12 hours of charge to go 70 miles... if you drive like a grandmother on valium. Read more

I would give it a shot. In the case of my lender the earliest you could cancel PMI was 2 years. From what I understand that that is a pretty common minimum timespan for canceling PMI. As for the %20 requirement, it's a requirement. If you think you are below the threshold just wait until the spring buying season Read more

If you ask me this can't come soon enough. Read more

Live on the west coast:

Doug, we're talking about getting rid of the front license plate, not James Bond-esque rotating ones. Read more

Especially when they de-certify all aftermarket parts (Including Cats) requiring all manufacturers to go through the re-certification process again. Don't know for sure but I have heard $20,000 per part per car model. Read more