
Another example of poor driving habits. From what I can tell the Micra was pacing the other car and was resting in the other car's blind spot. Read more

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It's always good to keep an eye out front AND rear:

If you have a shower curtain, close it after you use the shower. I can't tell you how many "Anti-Mildew" shower curtains I have had to replace in the past because my idiot room mates would leave the damned things open. Read more

"Ok who let the Camry buyer into the shop?" Read more

Good luck with that one. One place I worked at was on a "Training" route for the local post office. At around 3PM the postperson (this changed every 2 weeks) would show up deliver the mail then hop back into their Grumman and continue down the Avenue. By about 3:25 there was usually a flurry of activity between the Read more

Car. I drive 42 miles one way from the office. Takes me about 50 minutes each way. Not too bad. My previous commute was 20 miles which would take me 1 hour 20 minutes on average. Read more

Part of it is fuel mileage theory (Slower is more efficient right?) the other part of it is they don't want to get bitten by the sheep dogs AKA the CHP. If you haven't already you will notice some areas of the LA/OC freeways will have either Uber enforcement or no enforcement. there is no real pattern to it. That and Read more

Diaz is an idiot. There is no good way to police this and speaking of police, where the hell were they when these aholes were rampaging through the city? At the minimum get a whirlybird up and track these asshats. Read more

Good, seeing some of the old hardware in this article is making me feel better. Our first family computer was a Tandy TRS 80 Model III This was in 1982 and my dad forked over enough money to buy a new car for it:

Given you were in a "good" area and got robbed makes me think you were in one of the "shopping" districts for the criminal element. Just like in Oakland, CA, the ne'er-do-wells in the bad neighborhoods go to the nicer neighborhoods in the hills to do their "shopping". Read more

The boat that sunk looks to be a Bayliner, so no real loss. The cops were doing the guy a favor. Read more

"Agnu destroy! Take that you bunch of hippies!"

I am the flaw in this experiment, I drive like an asshole no matter how big or small the vehicle is. Read more

I can attest to this. While I still wouldn't want to live there Compton has cleaned up quite a bit. Years ago you would rather run out of gas on the freeway than get gas in Compton now a days It feels OK to drive through to get done what you need to get done. Read more

I'd love to but there's too much freaking red tape in my local one. Read more

Once again Ford...

Tires AND brakes. If you can't stop that 2 ton mass of metal, plastic and glass you are going to have a very bad day.