To tell you the truth none. Granted there are plenty of people up around the sound I don't see HSR as a viable option since the road network can still handle the traffic flow. Read more
Personally, I would have picked up any of the abandoned Crown Vics they've come across. No shortage of parts, hardy and roomy. Not to mention the frame on body construction is zombie mod friendly. Read more
I say reserve Maglev for the LA/OC to Vegas proposed route. I imagine that route will have more then ample traffic to pay it off in a very short time. Plus, I can imagine some of the bigger casinos chipping in for it's construction. Read more
Google does plenty of innovation, they just don't do enough CYA to protect it because they think it should be open. That's when the patent trolls swoop in and patent the idea and litigate the product into mediocrity. Read more
It was a little more complicated than that, but not that much more. You had to tie a hot lead from the battery to the positive side of the coil. Then you jumped the starter and went. Read more
"Rice says he has had some negative reactions as well— the owners of the house across from the mental health facility he works at asked him not to park it in front of their house" Read more
People who lane change in traffic and don't account for the ass of their car. The front end of their car is int he lane, their body is in the lane, everything from the back of their head back is still in my lane. Read more
The way I see it GM is getting some good "Moron Testing" in. You can road test cars, you can crash test cars but it's a little hard to moron test a car until it gets out to the public. Read more