So many is sooo maannnyyy, a comically absurd amount.

I worked on Deal Or No Deal as a grip; the show with your abused and exploited women holding briefcases of money, that one.

Be it in the casting line the weekend before or at the craft services table, there would always be, without fail, some woman talking loudly Read more

I see trashier things on any given commercial on any given channel than the brief, brief moment they show the grid girls if I just so happen to tune in soon enough.

She’s speaking false hyperbole to make a point I think. If she’s not then she’s throwing the baby out with the bath water avoiding something her child Read more

If grid girls and ring girls told women they’re not welcome behind the wheel then how are there female MMA fighters while ring girls exist but feet away? How are these women becoming higher and higher draws for that sport?

The only thing that tells women they’re not welcome behind the wheel is the lack of female Read more

It sounds to me like you’re avoiding watching something she might enjoy to avoid a conversation you might not.
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I don’t mind it for the same reason, you can see everything. It should be that there isn’t any guessing or subjective interpretation needed in the rules so they need to improve that. I think it’s an inconvenience with stuff like this, but I remember the calls you would see before replay and they were openly more Read more

This man was a fool. Gaming or not, if you sit that long in one position without moving things fall asleep and who knows what else. Riding a horse, a motorcycle, or a long road trip in a comfy van... if you could do any of these things for 20 hours straight you would find similar problems. His judgement in deciding Read more

You can have control of the football and the football can still move around. That’s the undeniable fact that the rule book simply doesn’t account for. Read more

Picking jobs are seasonal and you make a fucking killing, provided you’re not getting so high you can’t pick worth a damn. It’s probably the most desirable temp job you can find. Read more

Wait, do you think I’m Republican? Kneel all you want people, that’s the rights people fought for. I’d encourage that type of social performance without reservation. Read more

I’ve only seen a few of these and they’re definitely on my short list. I’m taking an MSF/CHP class this weekend and I’m hoping more seat time and more experience shifting my own gears will help direct my choice. @Segador recommended a CBR 500R, also something I was eyeing.

I’m guessing I’ll go less towards sport bike Read more

I feel for you. I grew up in Florida with his stupid real estate purchases, statements, and subsequent bankruptcies being local news. Nothing he does now surprises me in the least. He has always been like this, a total fuck up living off the celebrity status his name has gifted him with. Read more

I’m a VERY new rider. In December I got a $200, 150cc scooter from a friend when my car was under the knife and now I’m shopping for my first real motorcycle. Basically I’ve been in the market for everything; all the gear and the bike.

I went to the HD dealership because it’s the closest and there was just nothing for Read more

Holy shit, lay off the recreational outrage.

The technology is the same so the mention of past uses and the moral questions that raises is directly related to this, the same use of the technology, again mapping faces onto films they did not appear.

You’re CHOOSING to be outraged, because that’s in nowadays. I need a Read more

Once you’ve been in there and you’ve experienced the hurdles and that culminates in this very dismissive title, which is all many people will read, it’s a real slap in the face that does nothing for the craft or the industry.

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The longer they keep making them the easier the old ones will depreciate and the sooner I’ll find myself buying one as a toy. Read more

I don’t even have a kid and this was just rude and uncalled for. Sure, if a kid is being an annoying pissant in public and a stranger who is in the proximity says something... rude... but perhaps warranted? Perhaps overboard, but context will be king there. Now, someone after the fact, not involved, on public radio or Read more

I wish the click bait headline of this article didn’t do such a disservice to the show.
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We need more info on this person. Physical age? Mental age? Wife, kids, extra responsibilities, hobbies?

I’d buy a well loved, well cared for, used 4Runner. The money I would save taking my time and finding a good deal on a used car would allow me to put in the seat I want, replace the bushings and worn suspension Read more

The biggest saving grace is that your family is buying affordable, serviceable, relatively problem free cars too. Man, if you guys had a Euro preference, those long term purchases would become nightmares after the warranty expires. I’m a big fan of owning something pedestrian and Japanese for long periods of time to Read more