Yeah... that’s much more clear reading it the second time, I’m an idiot =P

I was in school with a bunch of automotive designs students at the time and they really loved the Neon. When kept clean and simple and with the right set of wheels, they’re unique and attractive.

It’s one of those marques that’s slipped away Read more

Oh wow, I didn’t even think of Precious because I was preoccupied thinking of comedies. Read more

I do not know who she is.

While I wasn’t in love with Shumer’s act, for whatever reason, I knew who she was and when it came up I watched it. I DEFINITELY know of Rock and Chappelle and will go through great lengths (trial subscriptions, bother a friend) to watch their specials.

The real travesty is Wanda Sykes. I love Read more

Who plays video games to experience reality?

What makes cosplay scandalous? The only difference between scandalous and not scandalous is your own perspective.

If I’m playing a male character, he’s jacked and attractive. If I’m playing a female character, she’s equally physically attractive. Why? I like attractive things Read more

Stupid. You can know what you’re doing and still not be able to replicate 3D’s perfect volume and form during a camera move. It’s less noticeable when the camera move is a simple pan, tilt, etc. Move it through space, slowly and smoothly, you’re going to notice. Read more

Now playing

I very much want to know how you’re upgrading their safety! Those front quarter panels / a pillar areas are awfully flimsy!

It’s not a theory, that’s why immunotherapy shots are so tiny and why, at least at my clinic, I have to wait for a while so they can make sure my body doesn’t over react before I go. I see people getting the same precaution of getting their shots, waiting under supervision, then they go home. In general your body Read more

As someone who has a legitimate shellfish allergy that has landed me in the hospital, I think your example shows a complete disregard for peoples’ safety and a complete lack of understand how food allergies work. Read more

The plot lines were clean and apparent, but also not entirely worth it emotionally or time wise. There are aspects of Rey/Kylo/Luke or basically anyone that I would like to have spent more time with and instead we burned a lot of time with Finn and friends with what amounted to a plan that didn’t work and was ALSO Read more

He COULD HAVE sold us on the antihero thing better, but we spent time with gags about milking alien cows. We spent time on a side quest to a casino that had very little payoff for the viewer and the plot. There was just so much time setting things up that lacked an emotional impact at their end. Time was not spend Read more

No. Comedy where people wanted sincerity. Wasting audience time with little side quests that provided ‘meh’ emotional payoff. Ridiculously far fetched ice/space Princess Leia scenes. Technology that sucks to sell a plot development, but is immensely advanced at all other times.

You don’t have to deliver on expectations Read more

If only Luke’s portrayal was the biggest problem in the film, but it most certainly was not. Read more

I’m a selfish American and I think any immigrant that can do that much good, raise a family, send them to Yale, AND pays taxes with no criminal record... I’m selfish and I want them on my team. Screw sending him to wherever he came from, that’s quality, blue blooded American work ethic and I want people like this fast Read more

It also says he’s an executive producer, so does his payment reflect that additional role, or does he get an entirely differently salary for that, making it worse? If he does the narration AND is an executive producer... well okay then, it would actually be unfair if they were paid the same for significantly different Read more

Just so long as shithole countries make me cheap clothes and I get the latest iPhone, this is fine. Read more


In every instance of a ‘woke’ misogynist it just sounds like your average asshole who exposes himself as a jerk eventually, instead of leading with his stupidity. If this is ‘woke’ the bar is incredibly low.

I don’t know if slightly more subtle misogyny should be considered ‘woke’.
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Literally not anything, but then again you’re the college writer so I guess if anyone should know the definition of a word, it should be you...

If you need a win by professing on the internet that you’re not someone else perhaps we should let you have it, you probably need it.
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Isn’t the whole joy of traveling, without moving, kind of why we’re into cars anyway? #Jamiroquai
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Now, I’m watching Seal slam Oprah with photos of her being cozy with Harvey Weinstein, who I’m sure if he hadn’t been found out, would also sport a TimesUp pin. Oh, and there’s a photo with Seal and Kevin Spacey looking like BFF’s ...

We need to stop deifying celebrities we like. We know nothing beyond the fact we like Read more