You said, “audience must revolt against best business practices” which is big plural, blanket statement that revolting against a best business practices in general is stupid. So I pointed out an instance where revolting against one makes sense because your overly broad statement is filled with holes.

I urged people to Read more

I don’t think you’re actually reading the specifics of what I said. You’re really just making up nonsense to hold onto the argument. If you can find where I say paying big actors less to match actors or actresses with a smaller audience appeal is the way to go, you can be right all day. You won’t find it though. Read more

Meh, you’re being kind of moronic. “Best businesses practices” can be totally unethical, like say child labor or you know, slavery. Saying people should take the intiative a bit not to support something they believe to be immoral actually bothers you?? Read more

I think audience too should bare responsibility too. If you think these two are equal and you know they’re not getting paid equally, make a stink and don’t go see it. Supporting a production you think is unethical makes me question how ethical a person you really are versus how you advertise yourself on say Twitter.

Aft Read more

If we as society say women are equally as important, as they are, Liam isn’t going to need to self negotiate down (weird tactic) to sacrifice anything because they simply won’t be able to pay his bloated price. If he wants to act, he’ll have to take less. His rate is a self sorting issue as society makes this turn Read more

Because adults can’t be trusted to be responsible for how much they drink anymore. All hail the Nanny State. You’re responsible for your good decisions, but the bad ones, well that’s society man.
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+1000 points for the portable Wi-Fi and Google Maps recommendations. The first time I went I didn’t have that, but every time since then... wow... sooooo much easier!

Unfortunately, using the Wi-Fi and Google Maps combo meant I didn’t have to rely on my spotty Japanese. My first trip was defined by random friendships Read more

This is a fucking religious school and the lack of fucking humanity here, the cerebral excuse, the mental masturbation to engage in this and to play yourself, to deny what you’re really doing is mind blowing... and simultaneously not at all.

Being racist for white people (myself included) should be likened to Read more

The more you know, thanks for the insight. Read more

100% her agent failed her. If she’s required for re-shoots then, excuse the phrase, she’s got them by the balls. The $80 per diem shows there was some negotiation and it was a travesty on the part of whoever negotiated for her. I hope we’re missing something here and instead she negotiated for a percentage increase of Read more

It’s my understanding the only thing that changed is that local law enforcement and federal ICE employees don’t share info as of 2018. Deportations still happen, ICE is still in the state, they’re still checking cars, passports, and all of that at the border. It’s a knee jerk reaction to some missteps or heavy handed Read more

California contributes the most personnel to our military compared to any other state.

If California seceded we’d also lose the largest state contribution to our GDP along with all of its military bases and those now ineligible personnel.

Yeah, maybe no to your ham fisted secession idea there. I’d also imagine a lot of Read more

Same! The hands though gave it away too, specifically the contact points and the far too equal treatment in the subsurface scattering or whatever is making the skin kind of translucent, it falls apart on things with less volume. If it wasn’t for the shoulder most of all though, oh man, I’d have been much more nervous Read more

Watching him eat a cactus or barfing after decades old, expired Crystal Pepsi are equally awesome =) Read more

As a frequent visitor to that Yosemite and that lodge they already have a cafe that serves coffee and lattes. This isn’t so much about providing something new or not, it’s about descending into the sameness that is cookie cutter America or not. Read more

and a flood of sameness will descend upon the land equipped in North Face jackets donning their finest, selfie kissy faces. #blessed #cookiecutterpeople Read more

Has anyone asked where the parent/guardian was on set for this shit? A kid that young, they’ve gotta be present for this... so... were they okay with this? Was it some white adoptive parents... did the parents not speak or read English?

The amount of checks and moments for someone to say, “Uh, this is fucked up Read more

I definitely knew it was Europe and not the USA because for one, if this was here in The States, a parent/guardian would have to be on set with a child that young. That means the parent/guardian would’ve seen the outfit, and thought to themselves, “This is fine.”
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I don’t think they’re not upset, they’re probably just over it. Read more

I’m sure everything he knows about black people he learned from watching COPS. Read more