Wypipo here, can’t find his gray comments. Did The Root delete them? I hope not, because that would be some comically hypocritical shit after calling a whole skin color scared *rolls eyes*.
The Root really can’t seem to stomach wypipo responses, of ANY kind... which makes me wonder... scared much? Read more
I’ve always loathed GM shifters on LS equipped things. This thing looks and sounds like it shifts better than any GM/Ford product I’ve ever driven. Clearly I need to drive more of them.
I also dislike heavy cars from a driving perspective, but with 650/650 calling it a fat pig is still correct, but less accurate. More… Read more
HAH! Oh man, that poor truck and driver, so innocent and just royally messed up.
This is what a-holes engaged in their little on road spats risk: involving other people in your poor life choices, in your inability to be civil and share the road.
I’m not surprised at all this happened in the left lane or carpool lane… Read more
So tired of having morons in the liberal camp, but they’re in everyone’s camp, and it sucks. If they think BLM is something threatening because it’s excluding people, they’re kinda dumb. Sure, sure... their argument of All Live Matter makes sense, like math makes sense, but this isn’t math. Socially we need to focus… Read more
I’ve gotta laugh. It’s not as if the flag was a LITERAL representation of skin color anyway. Just in case purple people come along they’ve got it covered.
Some pety literalists taking issue with a metaphoric representation of diversity.
Of course, this being The Root, the focus is on how butthurt white gays must be,… Read more