Meh. Let me know when they figure out a way to balance the teams.

There’s no point in being any color but whatever the dominant team in your area is. They need something to balance it out, otherwise pick the winning color or you’ll be hard pressed to ever win a gym let alone hold it long enough for coins.

It really Read more

Pff, he’s a fucking terrorist. No political group should protect these assholes or treat them with delicacy because they may have similar sympathies. That’s how the culture of police abuse has lasted so long too. “Oh, he’s a fellow officer, I’ll lie for him.” Screw that. Everyone should be held accountable for their Read more

It’s not the world that is like this, it’s mostly just here. Read more

I think we’ve progressed to a point of contentment where the excitement of bitching about something is the highlight of our day.

Being bound together as a tribe against something is a physiologically and obviously psychologically addictive behavior. It’s thousands of years of evolutionary biology culminating in liking Read more

If it’s genuinely farmland then they need to worry about being poisoned by fertilizers and pesticides. The Corvairs are the last of their problems, health wise. Read more

Thank junkyard is probably worth more than their houses. Read more

Wild guess, nobody has conducted and environmental survey of the area so that declaration is mere conjecture. Measure it, find out, if it is then let’s talk. Read more

Is this not Johnny Knoxville as his old man character?

They look pretty identical down to the strap that keeps the glasses on. I wonder if this bystander didn’t just upload his video now as he too got duped by Knoxville way back when.

I’m ready, bring on the shame, let me see this beat down =) Read more

Your social justice warrior programming is complete young Padawan. Go forth and be outraged at everything. Read more

That gives off the air that it was designed from the ground up, all over, like that. The BMW version feels stuck on. The proportions and positioning of things look different from front to back on the BMW. Your example is uniformly offensive all over, and therefore, kind of okay because at least it’s cohesive. ;) That Read more

Don’t forget about how the arcs and shapes of the front in the bad examples frankly are not mirrored or repeated in other aspects of the car. Without that unity in design things look hodgepodge and disjointed. The 4-series Grand Coupe has a softer nose and the rear bumper is softer too, which mirror each other. The 3

Holy... shit....

That is some of the most messed up, pre-meditated, manipulative, etc. etc. crap I have ever read. Damn! He’s only 23 or whatever, imagine how a few more years of experience would really refine his twisted ability to manipulate. Glad they caught him.

That is also the first time I believe a Trigger Read more

Thank you for this sensible response. It’s a tragedy, it really is, and deciding this child or others just as young deserve to be tried as adults is cruel. You don’t really know about consequences, life and death, forever, etc. at this age, not really, and yeah this is a colossal screw up, but hopefully they don’t Read more

Has home training evaded white women? Read more

Ahh, I guess that simplifies things. I just know from my own embarrassing experiences getting newer rental cars that I must look like an absolute Luddite thinking there’s a specific place to put a key FOB and then hunting for which knob puts it in drive. If the task required me to sync my phone with the car’s on board Read more

Where’s the photo of the terrorist? I want to see if he’s the right shade of brown Fox News tells me all bad people are.

It’s all cool to have gun toting, alt right people saying arm yourselves and it’s time for revolution until they shoot you too... Read more

Some people aren’t car people and frankly they wouldn’t have the composure in a panicked situation like this to pull the e-brake. Drive an automatic? Do you ever use your own e-brake? Is it a van? Then the e-brake is a foot pedal on the left of the driver, how the hell are you going to get to that one?

What about Read more

^ This guy knows. Look up her defense of conviction made though false confessions, hiding evidence, etc.

She’s doing great here with Sessions, but just yesterday she was bending over backwards to break the law to get a win.

No thanks. Read more