Audi Technician Finds Live Possum Nest In A4, Screams Like Little Girl

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Audis are either finely crafted German luxury cars or glorified Volkswagens, depending on your opinion. This opossum, however, thought an A4 was a house and nested in the engine bay, scaring the hell out of a tech doing regular maintenance.

We'll let him tell the story:

Guy came in for his 5,000 miles service......only took 3 belly pan bolts off and...BAM!...possum falls in my lap....looks at me like "WTF!?" and takes off across the shop hiding in some other guy's toolbox.

...scared the crap out of me... I still cannot understand how it built a nest and lived there for some time, guy drove with the possum wherever and got it back home, possum must have gotten out and went back in there (heck it built a nest)....

Oh yeah, i screamed like a little girl :)

I gotta read the fine print in my contract, I'm pretty sure it did not say anything about servicing any possums.
Lol the funny part is that i actually wrote on the warranty line (on the work order) "PERFORMED 5K SERVICE, FOUND LIVE POSSUM WITH NEST IN ENGINE COMPARTMENT, DISCARDED POSSUM AND CLEANED UP AFFECTED AREA."

We certainly wouldn't want to find one of these nasty marsupials in any car, let alone chilling out in the nose of a brand new Audi. We can only imagine the ribbing this tech will be getting. [QuattroWorld]