Audi Needs To Make This Fake Sochi Olympic Ring Fail Ad A Reality

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Things have been a little, um, rough around the edges at the Winter Olympics in Sochi thus far. After one of the five Olympic rings failed to light at the opening ceremony, one clever prankster found a great way to tie it in with Audi's logo.

This picture quickly shot to the top of Reddit this morning, and you have to admit that it's kind of brilliant. "When four rings is all you need." Ha!


Given Audi's history of good-humored advertisement trolling, you might expect that this came straight from the folks at Ingolstadt themselves. Not so, according to Mashable:


Instead, it's a clever bit of real-time marketing by a fan on Audi's behalf, which an Audi representative says is the most likely scenario. "This is not an official ad [...] it is most likely from an Audi fan," the rep said.


It's also pretty clearly just text over this photo. Well, even if Audi says they didn't come up with it, I bet they wish they had.