A Mercedes ML320 SUV Is A Hilariously Unwieldy Rallycross Beast

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Will a 1999 Mercedes ML320 drift? Absolutely.

Here is the big beast in all its glory, just in case you've forgotten what one of Mercedes' first non-military-grade SUVs looked like.

This, of course, was the ideal vehicle to tackle the last New England Region SCCA rallycross of 2014. It belongs to Mathias Rios, who drives around with his Opposite Lock screen name on his license plate.


The event was held on a snowy field at Wolf's Chase. Rallycross is like autocross, but looser and typically rowdier because it's off-road. Everything kicks its back end out at a rallycross. Everything.


It's not uncommon to see trucks tackle a rallycross course. The higher ground clearance that bans them from most autocrosses is a good thing here. The truck guys spend way less time digging twigs out of their grilles.


Brian Silvestro put together a mega-cut of his runs on the same course in the slightly more nimble and much easier to control Ford Fiesta ST:

Looks like a slip-slidey, soggy, snowy good time.

Brian put up his own write-up of the event here with even more photos, video and backstory.


Photo credit: Mathias Rios