Alive! Bill Ford Emerges From Annual Shareholder Meeting With Life And Job Intact

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Our guess is it must be pretty cool to be a CEO. You get a big plane, a nice office, chauffered car and stock options — musn't forget the stock options. Basically, everything you could ever want out of a P-Diddy (or whatever he's calling himself these days) music video — maybe even ho's — who knows. But there's this one day out of the year where you gotta go to this thing called an "annual shareholder meeting" — and it's here where we actually feel a bit of sympathy for these titans of the industrial-sized guaranteed pensions. Because at an "annual shareholder meeting" basically any investor, from the institutional all the way down to ma-and-pa retiree can come in and ask whatever they want — regardless of how insane. And today was Wee Willy Clay's turn on the stage in Delaware (where all of these things seem to take place) to hear constructive comments like "Mr. Ford is a failure." We'll skip to the end and allow you to miss the really gross parts in this one — Bill Ford makes it out Alive...but we don't know what happened to Jim Padilla — but we did hear something about a "tasty morsel."

Bill Ford weathers criticism at annual meeting [Freep]

More on Bill Ford [internal]
