Ad Sales Slump Makes Print Types Unhappy

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Blamed on a couple of factors namely the ascendancy of the Internet and the doldrums the American auto industry's facing magazine publishers lost $100 mil in ad sales last year. D'oh and d'oh. Sales staffs have been trimmed pretty much across the board, with a few exceptions. (Which sorta makes us happy, perversely, because ad salesmen made out life hell in a previous life.) Dear magazines: here's a trick spend your remaining dollars on making your publications better. Magazines are still cool. We love them. If you're gonna lose money anyway, lose money by being good. It's in nobody's interest to lose money while sucking. That just makes y'all look like chumps.

Auto Ad Slump Crushes Magazines [AdAge]

How to be a Blogger, Courtesy the Print Dorks Over at MPH [Internal]