A Before-And-After Photo Of My Favorite Jersey Shore Restaurant Underwater

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The Chicken or the Egg is my favorite restaurant at the Jersey Shore. And thanks to Hurricane Sandy it is almost completely under water.

Hurricane Sandy is absolutely obliterating the Jersey Shore. Tonight, the hurricane is expected to make landfall on Long Beach Island, which is an awesome 18 mile long island just north of Atlantic City.

But the flooding is already devastating. There are reports that the dunes have been breached and the ocean has joined the bay in these sleepy beach communities. And the worst is yet to come.


High tide is supposed to hit this evening, and I've heard on the news that it could be twice as high as this morning's. Tourism is one of the number one industries for the Jersey Shore. This could have incredibly long lasting negative effects.


I said it before, stay safe out there.


Photo Credit: Chicken or the Egg Facebook, @kristyncurran