The air’s a bit colder now. The days, shorter. The trees are bare of their leaves and you notice your breath when you go outside. All are nature’s little ways of reminding us that while we’ll head valiantly into the new year, there are a number of cars that won’t come along for the ride.
It’s tough, I know. But we can’t look away; we must keep them in our memories. It’s what they’d want. This year we bid farewell to yet more smaller cars and hatchbacks, while ever-larger crossovers further entrench themselves into the fabric of our everyday living. And let’s face it — we’re to blame. So while you’re cozying up near a fire with a mug full of hot cocoa and those fancy gourmet marshmallows, swiping through the following deaths as a Taos sits in your driveway, remember: you could have bought a Golf.