When Shopping Carts Attack

When the shopping carts start coming, there's no one who can stop them.

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Gif: YouTube

There are few things in life that are both as banal and as terrifying as a shopping car careening unchecked toward your stationary vehicle. It’s a parking lot, so you can’t make any sudden, evasive maneuvers without having to worry about hitting someone — if there’s even enough time to get your car started up in the first place. There’s nothing left to do but cringe and hope the dent isn’t bad.

Now imagine this, but on a much larger scale. That’s what’s happening in this cursed video, where shopping carts attack:

The filming of this video is sublime and almost cinematic: you watch the first shopping cart strike a car. Then two more enter the frame. The camera pans out, and suddenly there’s a formidable army of carts barrelling into the screen.


It’s hard to get a full picture of exactly what’s happening, but it looks like this army was loosed by the storm featured in the video. A good gust of wind, and now that lineup of carts carefully stowed away in the cart-stowing receptacle have been freed. It also looks like there’s a little bit of an incline up to the cart drop-off zone, so that little gust was all that was needed to create a disaster.

I would never wish this hell on anyone, not even my most despised enemies.