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Here Are The Worst Street Names In America

Here Are The Worst Street Names In America

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Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

Apparently, this country is full of bad street names. A lot of them are still waiting to be found. Some are like “Ok that’s weird but kind of cool.” While others are “What the hell were you guys on when you thought of this?” One I know of personally is Tupac Ln in Las Vegas. Whether or not it was named for the famous rapper is unclear but it is still a bad street name for the suburbs. We asked readers what they thought were the worst street names in America. Here are their responses.


Welcome back to Answers of the Day, our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best 10 responses from the previous Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It’s by you and for you, Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!

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Blueball Ave and Street Road

Blueball Ave and Street Road

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

There’s two that come to mind because they intersect I-95 near Philly and I drove past them every week day for years on my commute. Not worst names but pretty ironic/funny:

Street Road - Bensalem, PA - Had my first job interview the day I moved to the city of Brotherly love at Parx. Thanks to rainy day traffic I was 5 min late to the interview and didn’t get the job.

Blueball Ave - Boothwyn, PA - Had a nice hearty chuckle every time I drove under this bridge. Felt sorry for the folks that lived around there.


Suggested by: Kommandante

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Jim Jones Ln

Jim Jones Ln

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

I used to drive by this one all the time. Got to be pretty high on the list.

Suggested by: Beer-light Guidance

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Toad Suck Road

Toad Suck Road

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

Toad Suck Rd in Conway AR 

Suggested by: petekill

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Big Beaver Rd

Big Beaver Rd

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

This one is a classic. By that I mean it’s awesome. No need to be all negative :) It’s not a photoshop, it’s in Troy, MI


Suggested by: getstoney

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Booger Branch Rd

Booger Branch Rd

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

Booger Branch Rd in South Carolina. Drive past this every time we go to the inlaws.


Suggested by: MrMach1

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Smoketree Ave and Broomrape Ln

Smoketree Ave and Broomrape Ln

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

Suggested by: soloyosh

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Red Current Alley

Red Current Alley

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

The alleyway behind my parents house in Selinsgrove PA (what a backwards ass town that is....) should probably be spelled Red Currant Alley, since other streets in town are named after fruits. But, in a damming critique of our local school system and hatred of intelligence, it was labeled “Red Current Alley”.

My father, with his infinite humor, calls it Aunt Flo’s Alley.

Suggested by: Umoja

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J. Strom Thurmond Highway

J. Strom Thurmond Highway

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

Interstate 20 through South Carolina AKA the J. Strom Thurmond highway.

Because fuck that guy.

Suggested by: StinkyTinkler

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Brown Material Rd

Brown Material Rd

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

There’s a Brown Material Road near Lost Hills, CA.

Suggested by: Dream Theater of the Absurd

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North Kingwood Forest, Houston, TX

North Kingwood Forest, Houston, TX

Image for article titled Here Are The Worst Street Names In America
Screenshot: Lawrence Hodge

I’m not nominating a single street, but a whole damn neighborhood!

North Kingwood Forest, just north of Houston has gone completely crazy with their street names. These include: Right Way, Same Way, This Way, That Way, Straight Way, My Way & Any Way.


Suggested by: Reventlov
