The Best View Of Stadium Super Trucks Is Only For Fans With Strong Stomachs

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Gif: ssupertrucks (Instagram)

Thanks to somebody’s clever camera placement, now we know what the view is like for some of the hardest-working suspension in motorsports.

Stadium Super Trucks, which seems to be everybody’s favorite warm-up race series these days, basically features a bunch of pickup truck-looking vehicles bounding over huge jumps that are set up on a race course.


Kurt Bradley put it pretty succinctly when he wrote about the phenomenon earlier this year:

“[NASCAR and off-road legend] Robby Gordon made the old Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off Road Nintendo game a reality in 2012, banging 600-horsepower Chevrolet V8 engines hooked up to three-speed (you read that right) automatic transmissions inside 2,900-pound steel tube frame trucks.”


They soar, they fly, hilarity ensues.

I don’t have anything new to add about what the racing is like, besides sharing this trippy clip from the bottom of one of the vehicles:


Hang on!