Comment of the Day: Automatic Blinkers; Yay or Nay Edition

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Photo: Andrew P Collins

Cars are too expensive in 2019 because they’re too nice. And for that same reason, there seem to be fewer reasons to upgrade to a brand new car now than ever. That was all discussed earlier today, but one comment spurned an interesting debate on the merits of modern systems. Specifically, automatic multi-blink turn signals.


I’m not saying I completely agree with Ash78’s position here, but, it did kick off quite a thread about what some people perceive as annoying and what others are fans of.

Those modern blinkers, for example, which you can tap once to trigger an automatic triple-blink... I’ve found them pleasant to use while shifting lanes. But, also, I’ve definitely hit them by accident and felt really weird about it. Now that this has your attention, are you a fan of auto-blinkers or not?