We’re pretty spoiled these days. We’re spoiled because new cars, even mass market ones, are all pretty dependable and good. The industry standard has risen so much that you really can’t get away with selling a shitbox anymore. But a few still manage to escape the crusher and join us on the roads.
Last week, I asked you guys for the worst high-volume car of this millennium. What were the cars that you felt were too dangerous, unsafe and uninspiring for the road?
“Tin can” and “rolling death trap” are just a few of the terms you guys used to describe the cars on this list. And if boringness is a crime, let’s throw that on the pile of complaints, too.
Geo Metro (Ichi Bahls)
My friend’s step-mom had one. Can confirm shitboxness.
Mopar Woes (Autojunkie)
You and David Tracy should get talking.
PT Cruiser (2nd gear just exploded)
A family friend bought one of these once. It was... not okay.
Tsuru (RandomScreenName)
Almera (Shift-Lah!)
Very few airbags, you say.
Those Round Eyes (damnthisburnershitsux)
I have never, ever wanted to drive one of these.
DAEWOO (SpeedTimer)
No list like this would be complete without Daewoo.
Aspire (haveacarortwoorthree2)
A proper car with a proper name. Also, this story had me cracking up.
Sephia (daleyplanit)
You’re right, I have no idea what this is.
Poor Mitsu (Manwich - wishes he was steak)
But it has such a happy face!
J Bodies (CarsofFortLangley)
Conspiracy? Perhaps.
Cheapo Lux Car (Andrew)
Yeah, the CLA isn’t great.