In case you are not aware, wheel thieves really love to steal the rims from Honda Accords, especially on the Sport trim car. One poor dude in Maryland had his rims snatched off his Accord twice in one week!
According to, Anthony Greer, of Adelphi MD, had the rims and tires stolen off of his Honda Accord on November 28th. He found his car missing all four wheels and placed on bricks.
The report goes on to say that Greer then installed a Viper alarm to hopefully prevent further thefts. Despite what I imagine was a very intimidating sticker on the window, on December 5th the thieves struck again. Greer found his car once more on bricks sans wheels and tires.
Even though NBCWashington reports this as “tire theft” the criminals are really after the rims. The car in the video looks very much like a Honda Accord Sport that comes standard with very stylish 19" wheels. Due to their common bolt pattern, these wheels can fit on a huge variety of cars, making them an easy sell for wheel thieves.
If you are worried about your wheels getting stolen they key is to make your car a more difficult target. Using two sets of wheel locks with different keys is a start and some folks recommend getting a vibration alarm that will trigger if the car is lifted. Also, try to park in well-lit areas and if you are on the street get as close to the curb as possible and turn your wheels inward.