Some behaviors are so ill-advised that you really don’t need anyone telling you to not do them in public. For everything else, we are governed by folkways and laws. No exceptions, because we live in a society. That includes Uber.
Today, Uber updated its Community Guidelines, according to TechCrunch. In the past, the company only had rules for its drivers, not its riders. Now, there are rules that are clearly written out for Uber riders to abide by. Failure to comply could result in temporary or permanent bans!
Most of the guidelines are pretty straightforward, with subheads like “respect each other” and “children must be supervised.” Uber advises its riders not to discriminate and not to force or urge drivers to break traffic laws.
Also, please don’t vomit in the Uber if you’re too drunk.
And then there are these, that prohibit fucking, guns and flirting in the Uber:
As a reminder, Uber has a no sex rule. That’s no sexual conduct between drivers and riders, no matter what.
Everyone wants to get from A to B safely. So please ensure that you follow the local law. Check out our rider safety tips. Whether you’re in the front or the back seat, buckle up when get you into the car — and please leave your guns at home.
And don’t touch or flirt with other people in the car.
Basically, all the behavior you see in Westworld is a big no-no in an Uber. Just don’t do it.