Hello there friends, it’s me, your car guy friend. I know you look at some cars driving by and think they’re neat or cool, but I have a real King Of The Road Thunderwhip to show you: the C5 Corvette Fixed Roof Coupe.
Sold to General Motors management as a low-cost model, the Fixed Roof Coupe was lighter, stiffer, better to drive than the regular Bahama-shirt Corvette. See how it has the little roof. It’s a fixed roof, not a weak heavy hatchback.
Manual only. Stiff suspension. It was a Corvette for those in the know. It’s a Corvette for the driver. It’s a Corvette for taking the asphalt by the tire and burnin’ into the sun.
It’s a lightningcharger. A windsnatchter. A V8 rumbleburst. A starblaze. A pavementarrow. A righteous fist of fury cleaving the air before it with mighty words: It is I! I am the hammer! I am the justice! I am the unbridled honesty of speed!
According to my new favorite website SuperChevy.com, 6,121 were sold. Buy one while you can.