Uber Drivers Join In On Nationwide Protest For Fair Minimum Wage

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Across the nation today, various employees in the fast food, health aid and airport industries are striking or protesting for a higher minimum wage. Joining the protests for the first time ever are Uber drivers.

The “Fight for $15" movement—which, as its name delineates, calls for a $15 minimum wage—said that Uber drivers are participating in the “Day of Disruption” demonstrations today, calling for a higher minimum wage and “greater protections for Uber drivers in particular,” reports NPR.

Since Uber drivers are considered independent contractors and not full-time employees, they are exempt from benefits like health care, overtime pay or paid time off. On top of that, they are expected to pay for material costs such as car repairs, gas and insurance out of pocket.


In San Francisco, where Uber is based, drivers are planning to march at the airport while carrying signs that read, “Your Uber Driver is Arriving Striking,” according to CNN Money.


Uber has said that its drivers, on average, make over $19 an hour—but that’s still without factoring in the benefits that a full-time employee enjoys.


Furthermore, fare cuts have also made it difficult for Uber drivers to profit. Some drivers have refused to drive today as a form of protest.