I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard these two things during my time at Jalopnik: “When are you going to start selling t-shirts that my loved ones and I can wear?”, and “Sir, you are no longer welcome at Belle Isle.” At last, I have good news on that first question. We are finally launching an online store full of swag for you to buy with your money.
Yes, that includes stickers, as well as some t-shirts and hoodies. Get excited!
You can find buy these items right here, on our fancy new official store at Goodsie. The stickers can be stuck to any items of your choosing, like laptops or car windows. The shirts can be worn everywhere, like auto races, live Jalopnik events where you get to be uncomfortable around us in person, or funerals.
And thanks to the hard and very last minute work of our own master artist Jason Torchinsky, our store launches with three fun original and clever shirt designs!
I want to emphasize that this is just the beginning—we have many more designs to come, ideally inspired by all the crazy stuff we do and cover every day. (I’m dying to do a Mustang vs. Cars and Coffee shirt.) But we need some ideas from you all too. Let us know what you want to see here!
In the meantime, enjoy these offerings, and thank you for your continued support of Jalopnik.