Hard To Imagine A Worse Place To Drunkenly Drive Into Than A Police Station

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An Ohio man is reportedly being treated for serious injuries after crashing his Ford, which was not a Mustang, straight into the conference room of a police station. Alcohol and speed are “suspected factors” in the crash, officers said.

The crash took place just after 9 p.m. on Tuesday at the State Patrol office in Sandusky, Ohio, according to the Sandusky Register. Nobody was inside the room the car landed in, looks like the solid-rock sign in front of the station bore most of the impact force anyway.


Dakota Clouse, 24, who was apparently not wearing a seat belt when his car drove into a building, was ejected from the car. After being treated for injuries he was be taken to the Erie County jail and charged with several crimes including operating a vehicle under the influence, driving under suspension, and failure to control a motor vehicle and a seat belt violation, said the Register.


Seems like Clouse picked a particularly bad time in his life to crash into the police station, as he reportedly already had an outstanding felony warrant from the Erie County Sheriff’s Office and a revoked driver’s license from a drunk driving conviction last year.


“Drunk guy drives into cop shop” is pretty funny conceptually, but this kind of story always makes me sad. If you get anything out of it, think about these pictures next time you decide to risk driving drunk over getting a parking ticket. Or just get your shit together enough to plan ahead before you get hammered.