It sounds like the most American thing you can imagine: a majestic bald eagle, swooping out of the sky to seize an evil terrorist drone in its mighty talons, shortly before downing a burger and landing in a Trans Am, and doing a burnout. Well, this is all happening in the Netherlands. Except for the burger and Trans Am part.
Dutch police have been training birds-of-prey to take down drones, as a way of defending against the possibility of drones being used for criminal or terrorism-related goals. The raptors are very well suited to the job, having thousands of collective years of experience grabbing moving things from the sky, and their scaled talons are remarkably tough, with officials stating that “raptors do not get injured by propellers.”
I’m guessing they mean the small propellers on a drone, and not the massive swirling blades of a full-sized airplane, but we get the idea. These birds are tough bastards.
The project is run by a company called Guard From Above, and their motto is “A Low Tech Solution for a High Tech Problem.” I’d like to think they’re also developing a system to prevent criminals and terrorists from communicating by training snakes to crawl up their pant legs and eat their phones from right out of their pockets.
The bird v. drone project is still in the evaluation phase, and Dutch police will have a final decision if they’ll start hiring birds in a few months.
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