This story was originally published on October 16, 2020
It’s a classic spiritual question: Could Mr. Hockey, Lord of All Things Icicle, build a rink so large that even he…
Jesse Myshak, a Albertan who stares cold in the face and hockey-sticks it in the balls, opted to drive his Zamboni…
Years ago, after swilling an entire bottle of 20W-50 motor oil, I had a vision. The Great Junkyard Dog appeared to…
When we came across this amusing video of what appears to be an ice resurfacing machine cruising at highway speeds …
Everyone knows lakes lined with "Thin Ice" warning signs are ideal places to play hockey and drive a Zamboni®©℠™.…
The failure of an electric ice-resurfacing machine (like Kleenex, colloquially known as a Zamboni®©℠™) at the…
The three Canadian-made Olympia electric ice-resurfacers that failed miserably last night are being replaced by one…
Here's Car and Driver's K.C. Colwell doing a review of a Zamboni. Frankly...umm...'nuff said. Where do we sign up…
While not entirely car-related, it's entirely amazing to watch a Zamboni fail on center ice during an intermission…
Only in Michigan do we worry about Zamboni fires. Well, maybe in Canada and up-state New York too. [Detroit News]
A judge in New Jersey has ruled that a man busted for operating an indoor-ice-rink Zamboni with a blood alcohol…
Man, those French. They'll do anything not to buy American, including build an ice-smoothing machine using what's…