One year after the state of Michigan raised speed limits on certain roads, those stretches of highway saw a 17.2…
Forget the Elf On The Shelf, if you’re worried about ending up on the wrong list this week, you better keep an eye…
It was his absolute, utter consternation with some speed limits in British Columbia inspired Chris Thompson, a video…
Some of us here at Jalopnik think that the Autobahn, Germany’s system of motorways with stretches without speed…
Europe is currently bracing for a scorching heat wave that’s started this week. Temperatures are expected to hit 109…
Car internet worked itself into a frenzy on Monday upon learning that beginning next year, Volvo will electronically…
Surely you knows you’re supposed to follow posted speed limits, but do you know how they’re set in the first place?
Raise your internet hand if you’ve been driving down the highway at a brisk-but-not-quite-speeding pace,…
It’s pretty remarkable how context and nostalgia can make almost anything tolerable. I’m sure if you grew up with a…
There’s no doubt that the United States of America is a treasure trove of awesome and amazing natural beauty. You…
Michigan has some of the fastest-driving traffic I have ever seen in America, and now some of its speed limits are…
We like to associate rally with the phrase “flat out,” because rally legend Colin McRae wouldn’t have it any other…
The Insurance Institute For Highway Safety just released a report detailing the effects of higher speed limits on…
We’ve been saying it for years, and now we’ve got someone smart to back us up: it’s time to raise the speed limit. In…
We all know speeding is very deadly and dangerous, but what are you supposed to do when you’re faced with…
A lot of roads (particularly highways) here in the US have pointlessly low speed limits — lower than what they…
New York City introduced a 25 mile per hour speed limit a little while back, in the quest to reduce pedestrian…
Per DailySportsCar, temporary measures have been put in place by the Deutsche Motor Sport Bund to allow the banne…
The New York City Council just passed a bill to drop the city speed limits on residential streets to 25 MPH, from 30…