I’m not an economist. I’m pretty sure this is true because I own no bow ties and I’m also kind of an idiot with…
The used car market in a shambles along with everything else, Hyundai likes its position amid coronavirus, and the…
Pickup trucks are shockingly expensive, the Tesla Model 3 is selling well, oil prices are creeping up and more. This…
In a normal market, you’d expect an oversupply of something and the resulting drop in prices would lead to a…
Oil is above $100 a barrel again, just in time for summer vacation.
Gas prices have again spiked, but as much as the numbers go up, it's unusual to actually see the numbers go up. But…
Oil prices hit $87.63 a barrel — a two-year high. Better news? It'll hit $113 a barrel by 2035. [AFP via Breitbart]
With Swine Flu possibly threatening global economy recovery, oil futures fell 4.5% to $49.25 a barrel today. That's…
The futures price of a barrel of crude oil closed today at $69.85, down $4.69 a barrel since trading ended…
As MSNBC reports, crude oil prices are creeping upward on reports of positive economic news around the globe, but…
In case you don't have the ticker for oil prices set in your RSS feeder or a cerebral feed to the 24 hour news…
According to a report from the U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Americans drove 3.7% less in May 2008 than in…
• Delphi's taking cruisin' to a whole new level. [Freep]
• You know, we're totally disappointed. GM was offering…