There’s no denying that there’s a story to be told about Tesla. The challenge comes when you need to distill the…
Sunday marks nine years since Volkswagen rolled out the Ultima Edicion of its famed Beetle. As of today, no car has…
The entire review of this coffee-table NASCAR history book might as well be boiled down to the staggering power of a…
As author Jason Vuic points out in The Yugo's introduction, the Yugo wasn't really the worst car in history. How did…
I keep meaning to review a couple of books that every car freak should read (Nader's Unsafe At Any Speed and…
You know how a lot of marque-specific car books tend to be a bit on the lightweight side? A couple of anecdotes…
I've been letting the titles stack up in the Jalopnik Book Review On-Deck Circle- including a really intimidating…
We've seen a worshipful GTO history book in this series, and now we're going to look at a book by the brilliant…
When this monstrous volume showed up at Chez Murilee- and this is one freakin' huge slab-o-musclecar-porn,…
For those of you who like to get your 90-weight-coated paws on some car-themed reading material, we're continuing…
Chicken scratch is something we've all done in the margins of our homework, but Dwayne Vance has mastered the skill,…
If you're an aspiring car designer or just an automotive technical buff, have I got a cool illustrated engineering…
Whether you're wrenching on a flying Spitfire or a leaking Spitfire, Haynes has a shop manual for you. Very useful,…
If you're one of those weirdo intellectual gearheads who reads books, we're not going to give you the…