Reinventing the car isn't easy. After all, we still use four wheels and internal combustion like we did more than a century ago. That doesn't stop people from trying though, and more often than not those ideas don't work out.
10.) The Dymaxion car
We love Buckminster Fuller's crazy invention, and many out there feel the same way. Still, there's no denying that DennyCrane is also right:
Touted for being roomy, efficient, and safe, one of those turned out to be quite wrong as a driver at the World's Fair was killed when it rolled, despite wearing a seat belt (A feature not even standard at the time), and seriously injuring two passengers when the roof collapsed completely.
It rolled because the steering was not just bad, but the problem was inherent to the design. Oh, and it could only go 75% as fast as the top speed they claimed it could reach.
That was the safety feature, duh!
Suggested By: DennyCraneDennyCraneDennyCrane, Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
9.) The Aurora ESV
If this isn't the ugliest car in the world, I don't know what is. Built in 1957 by an American priest on a 1953 Buick chassis, it had a wooden frame, fiberglass body and plastic windows. It didn't work.
Luckily, the experimental safety vehicle got restored in 2005 so we can all enjoy it a bit longer.
Suggested By: $kaycog, Photo Credit: Beaulieu Motor Museum
8.) Aptera 2e
Big claims, big failure, tax money not well spent. Still, at least they never give up.
Suggested By: POD
7.) Flying cars
Let's face it: flying cars like the Terrafugia are not much more than planes with bigger wheels. Cars and planes just shouldn't mix. Except when it comes to Saab Aeros.
Suggested By: ridered777
6.) Ford Gyron
Ford had a bunch of insane ideas throughout the fifties, but the Gyron is actually from 1961. Fl1ngstam is here to tell us what was wrong with it:
The 2-wheeled Ford Gyron of 1961 was a cool idea, with it's gyroscopic balance controls, etc (possibly made of some form of voodoo-vaporware), but look at it.
The overhangs are ludicrous, the huge perspex top would toast the occupants as soon as the sun came out, and the merest bump from a passing motorcycle would send you scraping along the asphalt on your ear.
Suggested By: Fl1ngstam, Photo Credit: Ford Motor Company
5.) Any hydrogen car
The first hydrogen fuel cell powered prototype was finished by a gentleman by the name of Bacon in 1959. We're in 2013, many millions have been spent on research and development by basically all major manufacturers, but it feels like Mr. Scorpio is right once again.
Suggested By: ZekeStone says hydrogen has no future, Photo Credit: Joseph Brent
4.) GM's Firebird Concepts
Putting wheels on a jet engine. GM got confused and tried to sell speed record cars as the future of mobility.
Suggested By: My X-type is too a real Jaguar, Photo Credit: GM
3.) Genepass H2O
This water-powered plastic wonder ended up as an underpowered electric car marketed in the UK. Terrible in every way.
Suggested By: philaDLJ, Photo Credit: scott.armitage
2.) The Curtiss-Wright Aircar
This hovercraft wasn't a Ford but a concept made by Curtiss Wright, and was doomed from the start.
Suggested By: JayhawkJake, supeRSonic KIAfan
1.) The Sir Vival
You might think I'm joking, but this thing exists, even today. Thank Jonee for spreading the horror:
The Sir Vival has to be one of the most bizarre and hideous attempts at a car of the future. The two part design was supposed to keep passengers safe in a crash. It was heavily modified '48 Hudson that, unsurprisingly, handled like shit and was near impossible to drive. But, like its name, it still lives.
Suggested By: Jonee, Photo Credit: Car Mechanix Illustrated, 1959 01.
Welcome back to Answers of the Day - our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best ten responses from the previous day's Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It's by you and for you, the Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!
Top Photo Credit: Ford via mrpitv