You know what I do when I need to take a quick break from writing about motorcycles? I sit back and scroll through Instagram pics of motorcycles. Chances are, you do the same, so here are some accounts you should make sure you’re following.
@matthewjonesphoto is another one of my absolute faves. His pics skew a little on the hipster side, but they always tell a story. His use of light and space are always interesting, as are the characters he often features.
Next, we have @lancecoury. He posts epic MX shots, gnarly wheelies on his Dyna, and lots of pics of his megababe of a wife (yes, you should definitely follow her too). I don’t know Lance personally, but his account makes it look like he’s always having a good time and like he loves anything with wheels on it, which is exactly the kind of thing we like to see on Instagram.
@heesopedia takes some of the best adventure bike photography I’ve ever seen. While the world of cafe/hipster photography is alive and well, quality and original ADV and sport content is really tough to find. Well done, Haytham.
Click here to see previous week’s best motorcycle Instagram accounts.
Top photo: Matthew Jones
Shameless plug: follow me @seanmacd to keep up with the bikes we’re riding, the gear we’re using, and whatever shenanigans we’re getting in to. If you know of an account that is as incredible as the ones above and deserves a share, tag me on the IG. You sportbike dudes need to step your game up; too many of your accounts look the same, are just stolen from someone else’s feed, or are edited to look like dogshit. Do better.