These Are Your Worst Driving Experiences With A Parent Or Family Member

Parents and family don't always make for the best co-drivers.

It's not always easy sharing a car cabin with family members and our loved ones. So the gospel goes, "familiarity breeds contempt," and that much can prove true sometimes — especially when you combine an experienced driver and a novice in one car.

We asked our readers to tell us about their worst driving experiences with family, and many of their stories revolve around what it was like to learn how to drive with Mom and Dad. Or, sometimes, with learning how not to drive.

Similarly, stories about parents teaching kids how to drive manual transmissions are always a good well to draw from with stories like these, but don't worry. When the time comes for you to pass down that hallowed knowledge to your loved ones, we've got you covered.

While stories of frustrated teachers and other hilarious anecdotes abound, there were also stories of emotional drives and some reflection on mortality. We spend a lot of time in our cars — with family and with our friends. You'll never know when it'll be your last ride together. Thank you all for sharing. And with that, here are the worst driving experiences our readers have had with a parent or family member.

Side-Seat Drivers at Pedestrian Crossings

Do in laws count? Mine are great in almost every respect – I have very little to complain about – they're kind, considerate, welcoming people. But when I'm driving with my FIL it pushes me to the brink of madness. And a little beyond.

He's not a fan of driving. Neurotic. Nervous. Generally anxious behind the wheel. So whenever I'm around, I'm usually tasked with driving. The downside of driving an anxious driver around is that their anxiety doesn't end just because they're in the passenger seat. The entire trip it's:

"Remember, the speed limit is 50 here" (I'm doing 48)

"Do you see that pedestrian?" (they're literally right in front of the car, directly in my line of sight. And I'm stopped).

"There's lots of cops around here" (doing the speed limit, both hands on the wheel, obeying all traffic laws – also, it's small town Alberta. There's one cop, and he's parked at the local Timmy's having a coffee)

"Watch out for that car" (It's stopped at an intersection, half a km away)

And so on, and so forth.

The worst part is because he's so nice, and I know it's all coming from his nervousness at driving (and also because family harmony is important), I can't even be snarky or sarcastic. Just "yep, thanks for the heads up", "definitely see them". The one time I got a little angry was when he gave me a mild heart attack by shouting out that a pedestrian was "RIGHT THERE" when I was making a turn. I had seen that pedestrian, they weren't crossing the street. In fact they were walking away from the street. But his reaction caused me to slam on the brakes – thinking I'd missed something.

Submitted by: TheWalrus

Father-in-Law’s Dodge Caravan

Father-In-Law Sunday drive from hell:

We set up a family Sunday brunch. Not my thing really, as Sunday AM was normally reserved for a nice long 14 mile run (at the time).

But, being newly married with a toddler, my wife insisted I skip the run and go in the spirit of family harmony. Brother and sister-in-law would be there too.

Ok, fine. Except father-in-law insisted all seven of us cram into his short wheelbase Caravan.

It was TIGHT, and the drive to the uber fancy brunch place was 30 minutes or so. I was mildly claustrophobic as it is, but got through it ok.

THEN, after the shitty brunch and a couple Mimosas, he insisted we go on a Sunday drive, just like he and Mom did in the olden days.

I was in the tiny 3rd row, naturally, crammed into a space not designed for adult humans.

With my toddler screaming the entire time after taking a huge smelly deuce in his diaper, Father-in-law just turns up his Lawrence Welk CD and keeps driving, and driving, and driving.

I've never wanted to choke a MFer out more in my entire life.

He was absolutely sure we were all having a fabulous time. "Hey kids, lets stop for ice cream". I remember this one place we used to go, I'm pretty sure I can find it.

We never found it.

I'm sure the drive wasn't much more than two hours, but it seemed like two months. Apollo astronauts going to the moon for 15 days were surely more comfortable than I was.

When we got back, all my wife could say was "I'm so sorry."

I never drove with him again, unless I was driving, of course.

Submitted by: factoryhack

Christmas Drive in Pontiac Parisienne

Christmas 1987. My Aunt Mary insists that her MIL Edith attend Christmas dinner with the rest of the family, since Edith has no family other than Mary and her children.

Unfortunately Edith is 92 years old, wheelchair bound, mostly blind and deaf and hasn't left her home in Maryland for anything other than doctor's visits since she fell out of bed and broke her arm a few years earlier.

Aunt Mary dispatches her son (my cousin) Bill to drive the 120 or so miles from NJ to MD to pick-up Edith. The plan is to get Edith early Christmas Eve morning and have her stay with Aunt Mary for two days and drive her back the afternoon on the 26th.

Bill elects me as navigator/helper/co-driver as payment in helping me replace the starter in my car a few months earlier.

We set out early morning 06:30 in Mary's Pontiac Parisienne wagon (think Chevy Caprice wagon with a fancy grille) we gas up, grab a couple of McMuffins and start off.

First snag in our plans – The Delaware Memorial Bridge is four solid lines of traffic from the Jersey side and as far down I-95 as they eye can see. We crawl over the bridge, creep our way down I-95 for a few miles. What should have been a 15 minute ride has taken over an hour.

We decide to bypass the interstates and make our way to Aunt Edith's cozy little two-story house near Harper's Ferry around 11 am, just about 45 minutes late.

I take note that Aunt Edith's bathroom still has the toilet tank high on the wall and WWII era Victory Lamps in the fixtures in the hall,


Aunt Edith's live-in helper has her ready to go and bags packed, so twenty minutes later we're ready to get back on the road.

We make Aunt Edith as comfortable as possible in the Pontiac, load her wheelchair in the back of the wagon and have a mostly uneventful trip back to NJ.

Christmas dinner goes off without a hitch. Aunt Edith is enjoying herself, loves being around the young children and even indulges in a glass of wine. She entertains the family with stories of her first car ride, meeting Calvin Coolidge and working as a bookkeeper in a slaughterhouse during the depression to keep the family fed.

Then the stories turn to how she lost eldest son in WWII, just three month after her husband died of a heart attack at age 48, and how her daughter died in a car accident on her 21st birthday a few years later.

Once the conversation turns to Jake, Edith's youngest child and Mary's late husband, the mood in the house turns somber. Mary stars getting misty and most of the relatives start cleaning up and every one leaves for home early.

I leave around 7pm as Aunt Mary gets Edith ready for bed.

I get home about 8:00 pm and find a message on my machine from my cousin Bill. Apparently Edith has decided she does not want to spend another night at Mary's house and wants to go home. NOW.

I'm tired and the buzz from all the food and drink earlier in the day has worn off, and all i want to do is go to sleep.

I call Bill, and apparently there is no reasoning with Edith. Mary asks me and Bill to take Edith back home. On Christmas Day night. Ugh!

By the time we get Edith into the car it is nearly 9:30pm. The radio is reporting bad traffic all over NJ/PA/DE and Maryland.


We start driving and and get off the interstate as soon as we're in Southern PA. We navigate by map and memory and a lot of luck. Edith drifts in and out of sleep, awaking on occasion to ask when will she back home. At some point we hear her praying to God and asking why He could punish her by making her outlive all of her children.

Then, it happens...

Bill's attention lapses and he takes a curve too fast on a two-lane road somewhere on the PA/MD border. He hits the brakes, the Pontiac gets loose and winds up tail-first in someone's front yard.

It is silent for a moment. I feel my heart racing then Christmas dinner making its way back up my esophagus. i manage to open the door in time of blow most of it onto this family's lawn.

I look over at Bill and he has a death grip on the wheel. Somehow he remembers to turn on the four-way flashers.

Then we hear Edith scream.

Bill and I both jump out of the car and try to see if she's hurt. Meanwhile, we have woken up the family whose lawn I just fertilized and they flip on their lights. Edith (remember, mostly blind and deaf) is disoriented and completely terrified and shreiking her head off. Bill and I try to calm her down, but she is too freaked out to understand.

The man of the house comes over and asks if we need help, but Bill and i are still trying to calm Edith down and see if she's injured. She continues to scream, holding her right arm against her side, when she looses control of her bowels.

The smell was... indescribable.

I start dry-heaving, most of my stomach contents already in a two-foot wide puddle at my feet.

A county sheriff's car shows up to the scene, followed by another, and then an ambulance and a couple of fire trucks.

We have managed to wake-up two dozen people in this little village from their post Christmas slumber.

Bill passes the breathalyzer and a quick assessment of the car reveals no major damage. Except the extremely soiled rear seat.

Edith goes to the hospital in the ambulance and we follow. Bill gets the pleasure of calling his mother to tell her about the accident while i clean up and manage to borrow a clean t-shirt from the hospital's lost and found.

Edith is examined, treated for a fractured right radius and given sedation to help her rest. Bill and I sit in the ER the rest of the night, and after being examined are released.

By now it's dawn and Bill and i find a self-service car wash, pull out the rear seat and hose it down in just above freezing weather. A closer examination reveals a crumpled bumper and sheet metal at the right rear of the car, but nothing serious.

We toss the still wet rear seat into the wagon's rear cargo compartment and go back to the hospital to await The Wrath of Mary.

We get back to the hospital and both talk to the sheriff so he can fill out his report. Bill is given a ticket and an order to appear in court in three weeks.

Mary arrives as the hospital with my other cousin, Andrew, and begins to tell both of us off in the middle of the ER. Bill argues back that it was Mary's idea to bring Edith all the way to NJ and drive her back in the middle of the night. i'm too sore and tired to care and let Mary yell at me for a few minutes before she goes off to Edith's room.

Edith spends two days in the hospital, Andrew drives me and bill home in Mary's sullied Pontiac and Mary is left at the hospital at Edith's bedside with Andrew's Ford Granada.

Bill and I split the cost to have the Pontiac's interior cleaned and bumper straightened. Bill gets a fine for the accident and ordered to pay the homeowner of the lawn we damaged for repairs (Bill never received a bill from the homeowner) and Mary spent months haggling with the state of Maryland over Edith's medical bills.

Edith lived to the age of 96 and for the most part did not have any recollection of the accident. Supposedly her last words were to ask her live-in helper for a sip of Sherry.

Submitted by: Earthbound Misfit I

A Farewell Drive

Driving my father to the hospital for the last time.

Nobody did anything wrong. We had a nice conversation, but somehow I had a feeling it would be his last. Fuck cancer.

Submitted by: redneckrob and his flock of Volvos

Teaching Our Loved Ones to Row Gears

Teaching my wife to drive a manual. It required so much of her focus that she would routinely ignore traffic laws. Like stopping.

Submitted by: Maxzillian

Honda S2000 Has to Rev, says Mom

Riding in my mom's Honda S2000 with her driving and not letting the RPM's get above 4,000. Yes, premium fuel is expensive, and yes, she was in her 60's, but still. If you want a fuel efficient drop-top geriatric Sunday-school cruiser, buy a Sebring and give me the damn sports car!

Submitted by: paradsecar

The Fast and the Furious Ford Aerostar

That would be the time I took a strawberry-red 1989 Ford Aerostar on two wheels taking a turn way too fast when I had my learner's permit in 2000... with the whole family in the van (on vacation, no less).

Everything turned out fine, I even drove home.

I still haven't lived it down though.

Submitted by: Mustang2Matt

Bombing Down Backroads in Dodge Grand Caravan

When I was 17, I lived alone in a rented home. I asked my mom to let me drive practice driving her Dodge Grand Caravan so I could get ready for a driving test as I had nobody else I could practice with. She refused to let me drive on city streets (in a city with 49,000 people), insisting that I drive on the rural roads outside of town. I was ok with this – I finally got to practice driving legally!

When we hit the rural highway, my mom kept yelling at me in ever-increasing pitch and volume to slow down, that I must remain 10 under the 60km speed limit. I told her that it wasn't safe to do so because most drivers are pushing 80 in that area. When we hit an 80km limit area, she was literally screaming and tried to grab the wheel when I got to 75km. I snapped. I put pedal to metal and hit 120km before slowing down and pulling over. I got out of the minivan and walked the 20km back into town.

I didn't end up getting my license until I was 25 years old because I had no legal way to practice and at 20 years old started living in other countries for work. Ended up practicing in my manager's ride. My mom would never let me drive her vehicle again, even as a fully licensed (in 3 countries, plus an international license) driver in my 30s.

Submitted by: William Teskey

No Engine Brake for the GMT800

My dad would probably say the time he taught me how to drive a manual. Although in my defense, he failed to tell me to *slowly* let off the clutch.

I would say the time my dad coasted down a mountain while riding the brakes, instead of down shifting, because he wanted to save the transmission. While the brakes on a GMT800 are good, they aren't that good.

Submitted by: JohnRichard

Driver Change at the On-Ramp

Here, I posted this before in a different QOTD

Learning to drive with my Dad.

Fresh out of the gate, he took me to the busiest stretch of interstate with a notoriously short on ramp, no shoulder or emergency lane, and traffic that routinely flew by well above the speed limit and was known for sudden stops and really bad accidents. He turned onto the ramp, switched seats with me and told me to drive. It was the driving equivalent of teaching a kid to swim by throwing them into a swiftly moving river that immediately went over a waterfall.

Submitted by: SlickS30r

Toyota Camry Time Trial

Trying to teach my daughter to drive in my 1990 Toyota Camry (manual)

Found some isolated streets on a building estate, swapped places, set off and she took the first corner at about 80km/h in 4th gear without even touching the brakes.

I slammed on the handbrake which stalled the car. We swapped places again and returned home with daughter in tears.

I booked a professional instructor the next day and she passed her license within 2 weeks. :+)

It is something we've agreed to never speak of again.

Submitted by: Sean

Trading Time Behind the Wheel for More Time With our Parents

My worst experience?

All of them. Maybe not white-knuckle rides but neither enjoyable once I became a driver.

My mom was too cautious. And my dad wasn't cautious enough, at least not with leaving adequate following distance even later in life after taking a seniors' safe driving course.

But I'd be happy to be a passenger again if I could have them back.

Submitted by: NotLewisHamilton

The Buick LeSabre That Bled Coolant

I was a kid, and insisted we take the family's 1985 Buick LeSabre over our new 1992 VW Jetta because I was afraid the Jetta wouldn't be as comfortable. We were returning from a family reunion a state over, and on the way back, the heater core finally gave out and began puking into the cabin. The floor was soaked, and the car was overheating.

We shut it down mid-afternoon on the side of a road in farm country and waited for a tow that came at sunset. So glad I didn't have to pee at any point, and also glad my dad didn't punt me into the corn fields when someone stopped to ask if we were alright as our car billowed steam and sat in a puddle of its own coolant, and my response was "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

Four of us crammed into the cab of that tow truck, and on the way back the driver fell asleep on us several times. I was uncomfortable, my appendages were asleep, my nerves were shot, and my Queen tapes stank like antifreeze.

We made it home in the wee hours of the morning, and the Buick spent the next ten or more years in the garage taking up valuable space until my dad finally had it junked.

Submitted by: Future TVR Owner

License and Registration, Junior

There was the time Mom tried to switch seats with me after she got pulled over by the cops.

The jig was up after the officer asked me how old I was and I replied "Bis many!" while holding up four fingers.

Submitted by: Modusoperandi

Driving With Kids in the Car

The most stressful for me is every single time I have my kids in the car. It's always exactly like this...[see video above]

Submitted by: AngryBob-VA

