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These Are The Worst Automotive Products On Amazon

Some of your suggestions are truly just tacky, but others could be pretty bad for your car.

Amazon may treat its workers terribly, but you can definitely find some great stuff on there. For example, if you've never tried one of these shoulder massagers, they're way more enjoyable to use than the odd design would suggest. But we're not here to talk about cool stuff to buy on Amazon.

No, today we're talking about the worst automotive products for sale on Amazon, which is a much more interesting topic. When we asked you for your suggestions on Tuesday, some of you really let the hate flow through you, which we loved. So let's take a look at some of the best worst suggestions you had.

Fuel Savers

Low Hanging Fruit.

Technically, these stupid scam devices won't hurt your car, but they've been on sale for years, and apparently, people are still buying them. Why? Why would anyone believe you could plug something into their car's cigarette lighter and magically get better gas mileage? It just makes no sense.

Suggested by: WasGTIthenGTOthenNOVAthenGTInowA4

Aftermarket Lettering

While there's undoubtedly products that are both more offensive and lower quality, the trend of putting Range Rover-style nameplates on the lower edge of the hoods of basic, depressing crossovers is pretty bad. This set below is exceptionally egregious just for how poorly it was installed.

If what you see in an ad is the best a product is ever going to look, what does it say about this particular product that even the image in the ad looks terrible? If the person selling these letters can't even get it right, what hope does a regular person have of getting these letters remotely straight? And that's assuming that person likes the look.

Suggested by: Maymar

Calvin Peeing Stickers

The "Calvin Peeing" sticker.

This is another one of those, "Why? Just why?" products that are still selling for some stupid reason. It's not edgy. It's just lame and makes you look like a douchebag. Maybe it impresses your douchebag friends?

Suggested by: Unacceptably Dry Scones

“Bling” Accessories

Anything that adds bling.

The term "bling" hasn't been used in, what, almost a decade? And yet companies on Amazon still use the term like they're a drunk uncle at Thanksgiving on a rant about rappers. But y'all definitely don't like it when people put this stuff on their cars.

Suggested by: Ninety-9

Side Window Louvers

Louvres for your rear quarterlights. Because in these days of cars with dodgy all round vision, covering up windows is a good idea, what we need is bigger blind spots.

There are certainly worse things you can add to your car, but it's probably a bad idea to limit your visibility in the name of style. And to be clear, Amazon sells side louvers for more than just the Ford Focus. So many other cars can join in on the fun.

Suggested by: Pitchblende

No-Name Turbochargers

Any nameless brand turbocharger for pennies on the dollar.

You get what you pay for. Just read the reviews from satisfied customers!"Turbo started smoking after a few months. Kind of put up with it for a while until it was too bad to ignore. Sadly the seller stated that the turbo was no longer under warranty but come to find out this same company has a store on eBay with 2-3 year warranty on the same turbo. Not sure how that works. Fooled me once won't fool me again"

"I ordered 2 of them. 1 was on the car for all of 7 minutes An was already burning oil. 2nd turbo was on the car for a week an turbo seal started leaking. This is a you get what you pay for turbo."

I'm sure there are some quality aftermarket parts that you can buy on Amazon, but something about ordering engine mods without a reputable name brand and warranty attached makes me incredibly uncomfortable. So I guess my E39's staying naturally aspirated for the near future.

Suggested by: Knyte

So-Called “OEM Quality” Parts

Not a single part, but the proliferation of poorly-made "OEM QUALITY" or knock-off auto parts. Amazon is attractive to wrenchers on a budget because you can often get cheaper parts shipped to you in a couple of days.Let's say I'm driving an old but still reliable mid-2000s Corolla. There's a horrible clunking coming from the front end and the ride has deteriorated, and a quick inspection reveals rusty, leaking struts and the bushings are shot. I check the AutoZone down the street, but they want $270 for a set of DuraLast quick struts. You check Amazon then:

Oh now that's more like it. You buy the $100-cheaper struts, notice that they don't seem to fit quite right but oh well, you'll make them work. You get them installed over the weekend, and all is well.Until six months later and they're clunking again.Now, I know that it isn't a given that this will happen. And I know that, sometimes, you just HAVE to buy the cheapest parts you can find so you can get to work and back. But I have been burned too many times by buying the cheapest parts I could find, whereas I could have found better parts with just a little digging:

I know that Monroes aren't the best these days, but that's the same price as the cheapo Amazon struts. Heck, a set of KYBs for a Corolla on Rock Auto are just over $100.For certain things, it's fine to go to Amazon. But for critical vehicle components – brake rotors, suspension bits, internal engine parts, gaskets, anything where replacing the part again would be a royal pain if it fails – just go to the auto parts store or a reputable online store and get the name brand part.

Also, can we take a moment to appreciate this: PURSUE MAKES PERFECTION

Now that was a journey. And also a great lesson for any young and naive kids reading this who might just assume that what they read in an ad has to be true. And while we're at it, definitely don't cheap out on window regulators. Ask me how I know.

 Suggested by: dbeach84

Lug Nut-Cover Spikes

I'm gonna go with these idiotic things plaguing the US highways. So much nostalgia for those good ol' Roman Empire times...

Forget putting these on a semi. You definitely need these on your new Ram. It's very important to make sure your Calvin peeing window sticker looks like it's on the right truck.

Suggested by: GTO62

Steering Wheel Trays

I'll bite.

I'm going to choose to believe this was an intentional pun. But seriously, these just seem dangerous. If you're using one while not actually driving, why not just eat your salad or fajita bowl in the restaurant instead? And if you need a tray to eat while driving, maybe you ordered the wrong thing.

Suggested by: Jason Stern911

Truck Nuts

Truck nuts

You had to know Truck Nuts would make the list. Or Bulls Balls if you're a refined connoisseur of truck nut brands. Our readers hate them and for good reason. They're tacky, obnoxious and only owned by the worst kinds of drivers on the road.

Suggested by: So, so many people.

