Wife Smashes Soon-To-Be-Ex-Husband's Challenger SRT8 With Hammer

When a wayward husband informed his wife their marriage was over and he had a sweet new Asian girlfriend to match a sweet new Challenger, his wife flipped out, smashing almost every panel on the car with a carpenter's hammer.

Everything has been blurred out to protect the identities of those involved, but our tipster tells us this is what happened:

"attached are pictures taken at my place of work where a customer dropped off their 2009 Challenger SRT 8 that was "attacked" by a gentlemans soon-to-be-ex wife.

I say this because the Husband drove this car to tell his wife that the marriage is over.

And once she became aware of his Asian girlfriend and his new toy, she flipped and started smashing the car up [with a carpenter's hammer].

She broke the windshield, rear window, damaged almost every body panel, and probably worse of all the sunroof which takes quite some labor to replace. i didn't bother to take pics of the side windows and the scratches where the psycho WIfe tried to break them."

It stinks the Challenger got the brunt of the rage, but considering the way the news was delivered, we can't say we blame her. Walk through the dented Challenger gallery to see the pain inflicted upon a defenseless Challenger.

