What's The Coolest Car You Saw This Weekend?
It was a beautiful weekend. What cool cars did ya see?
Folks, it was absolutely lovely outside this weekend... well at least it was here on the East Coast. Anyway, it was perfect car spotting weather. All sorts of neat stuff were out and about all over the country, and that leads us to today's question: What's the coolest car you saw this weekend?
For example, I saw this clean as hell Jeep J10 Honcho (pictured above) just parked on the side streets of Lower Manhattan being used as a work vehicle. Its been around my neighborhood for a while, but I get a kick out of it every time I see it... mostly because of Twister. This was a tough call, making this my coolest car selection, because the Lower East Side is full of some truly excellent (and weird) vehicles, but Twister always wins in the end.
So, were you at a car show or meet and saw something cool? Is it your own car? Or, were you like me and just walked down the street to see an automotive treasure? You get 1,000,000,000 bonus points if you include a picture. Think of today's question as an automotive show and tell. The show is a key part of all of this.
No, it obviously doesn't have to be a supercar or sports car. I mean hell, my answer is a 40-year-old Jeep truck, which could be the least sporty car ever made. Is the Honcho absolutely badass and cool as hell? Certainly, but it isn't sporty. Cool is whatever you want it to be.
So, drop your answers down below, and let us all share in the automotive coolness you saw over the past weekend. Hell, even if you didn't see anything cool this weekend, stick around. There will still be plenty of interesting stuff to look at!