What's A Great Car You'd Never Own?

You might love to own this car, but you know you better not.

Car ownership is not a rational thing for most enthusiasts, but it's just a basic necessity for the majority of people. Most folks approach owning a car with at least a degree of sensibility that enthusiasts happily ignore. Still, there are plenty of cars we know we'd love, but pass on because even if we're enthusiasts, we're not necessarily masochists. And then there are cars that we know are good, maybe great, but could just never see ourselves in. What's a great car that you would never own?

Is it a sports car that would be useless and impractical for your family? Or is it an old car that you might have trouble tracking down parts for, if (or when) something broke? Maybe it's a car that you find incredibly appealing, but it's not necessarily the most reliable car out there. Or maybe it's a car that is by all accounts great, but for whatever reason it's not something you can see yourself driving

I think I have the reverse problem that many drivers with families have. I want a car that fits a lot of passengers, but I know that I usually drive alone or with a plus one, tops. I love the idea of owning a minivan or an MPV, but that's just way too much car for me. I don't need it!

I would absolutely love to own a Mercedes-Benz R-Class, but having owned an old German car has made me very aware of parts and labor costs. When I add the reliability concerns to the fact that my wife and I could happily live with a Miata, my dreams of an R 63 AMG are dashed. But how about you? Even if you know it's good, what car would you pass up? What's a great car you'd never own?

