What Is The Best Automotive Decision You've Ever Made?

We want to know what deals you can't stop bragging about or the lemons you gratefully avoided

No one wants to waste their money on a dumb purchase, like a used car offered at a price too good to be true turned out to be a frequent flyer at the local garage. We all aim to be as informed as possible before we make decisions that impact our checking account, credit score and free time. With the proper research and when the stars align, we hit it out of the park and bring home something we'll love day in and day out. What is the best automotive decision you've ever made?

My best automotive decision was extremely sensible and arguably boring. My first car was a gifted 2005 Cadillac STS. It was a car that I loved driving, but it had its issues. The engine wasn't the most reliable in the winter, and the fuel mileage wasn't the best either. I wasn't getting rid of it. I just needed a solid daily driver, and I got a silver 2014 Toyota Corolla. It was affordable and bullet-proof. There was nothing exciting about it, but I never had a complaint, like a glass of water.

