These Are The Worst Financial Decisions You've Seen Enthusiasts Make

You can make some pretty dumb decisions as a car enthusiast. Personally, my dumbest moment was when I bought a Jaguar S Type R a couple of years ago. It turned out to live up to that legendary Jaguar reliability by overheating on the way home from the dealership. I got rid of it that same week. We asked readers what bad financial moves they've seen made by car enthusiasts.

Welcome back to Answers of the Day, our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best 10 responses from the previous Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It's by you and for you, Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!

Simply Existing

Suggested by: Autojunkie

Buying A Jaguar

Suggested by: leftfield6

Asking For Trouble

Suggested by: Bob

Dumping nearly $23,000 Into an 18-Year-Old Car

Suggested by: Idiot who sold e39 m5

A Few

Suggested by: Tacofan

A Bad Bronco

Suggested by: Sid Bridge

A Range Rover Without The Extended Warranty

Suggested by: NegativeEd

Obliviously Buying A Taurus SHO

Suggested by: ILOVESTUFF

Buying A Fake Oldsmobile 442 Sight Unseen

Suggested by: ninjagin

Buying An RX-8 With A ‘Minor Issue’

Suggested by: Tim the KNinja

