What Do I Want For The Holidays This Year? You Really Didn't Have To Ask

What do I want for the holidays this year? Oh, you. You know you don't have to get me anything. The only gift I need in life is your friendship. Yes, really! Why would you ever question that? You know better.

Ugh, you know what, fine. If you're going to insist, which is absurd, there is this one thing I saw in a catalog recently. It's not much, but if you really want to get me something—which, again, you totally don't have to!—I guess it'll do.

So, like I said, I saw it in this catalog, which I'm sure means there's an offer for a free tote with a $75 purchase or something like that. Ah, here's the catalog I saw it in. It's called the "Nieman Marcus Christmas Book," and it has a couple dancing on the front in matching sparkly outfits. Aren't they cute.

Well, I was flipping through it when I saw something that caught my eye. And I mean, it's pretty big, so at least you wouldn't have to pay for gift wrap. I'm certainly not expecting you to go all out here, since I already told you I didn't need anything.

The little description in the catalog calls it an "Aston Martin DBS Superleggera" designed by someone named Daniel Craig, who was in a movie or something.

Anyway, it's $700,007, which is a weird number, plus shipping and taxes maybe. And get this: Instead of a tote, it comes with a fancy watch and tickets to some movie that's coming out soon. That's a catalog deal if I've ever seen one!

There are only seven of them, so you'll probably have to move fast. But I need to know if you decide not to, because I was planning on getting this for myself before you just persisted on that silly mission to buy me something this year.

Should we say EOD for an answer? Thanks. I don't want to miss out.

But like I've told you a million times, you don't have to get me anything for the holidays. I'm a simple lady who enjoys the simpler pleasures in life, like having your company in the first place. No gift could replace that.

