What Are Your Fourth Of July Travel Horror Stories?

Almost everyone heads home or away over the holiday weekend, which means you all must have some tales of travel chaos.

Happy almost Fourth of July everyone, it's that time of year when, once again, we get to celebrate Will Smith's triumph over aliens, or something like that. Bringing everyone together to mark this special occasion every year means that almost all of us will have some tumultuous travel tales to tell.

While some travelers might have an easy breeze through airport security, time their drive just right to get green traffic lights all the way, or might see the clouds clear as they climb onto their bike, not everyone can be so lucky. With that in mind, we want to celebrate the travel disasters you've had at this time of year.

So to celebrate the Independence Day weekend, we want to hear all about your Fourth of July travel horror stories, what have you got?

Whether you're traveling far to visit friends and family in exotic places, or simply hopping on the subway to Coney Island for Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest, not every journey this holiday weekend can go off without a hitch.

If you've got to drive, you might have stories of endless tailbacks that kept you stuck for hours. Or maybe your traveling companions weren't up to the long drive and brought bad music and worse snacks to keep you entertained on the road.

If you fly or take another form of public transport, then your fate is in the hands of the gods. Good luck.

So wherever you've come from and wherever you'll go, we want to hear about it. Head to the comments section below and let us know your tales of Fourth of July travel chaos. We'll leave this up over the long weekend and will round up some of the most harrowing tales in a slideshow next week.

