Urban Legends: The Chevy Nova
As the story goes, the Chevy Nova didn't sell well in spanish-speaking countries in the 1970s because "No va" in spanish means "doesn't go". Who would buy a car that doesn't go, right? Well, it's not true, according to PR flak Brian Akre on GM's new FYI Blog. Of course, there's more...
Resale values of any light-colored Nova SS actually increased in the '90s, due to the success of The Oasis song "Champagne Supernova". Actually, we made that part up. But all that Nova mumbo-jumbo is made up too, says Akre:
According to the site's [snopes.com] "Urban Legends Reference Pages," the Nova actually sold well in the Spanish-speaking counties where it was sold between '72 and '78. It notes that GM was well aware of the translation and opted to retain the Nova name because the issue was deemed insignificant.
How well did the Nova sell? Well, that would involve like three phone calls, because the guy that has the Nova sales figures is out on vacation and the other guy answering his messages only deals with Chevelles, and it's just a big hassle. Seriously, GM didn't bother to say how many cars they sold in Latin America. Yes, it would involve some homework, but this a GM blog, referencing another website for information about GM. Sigh. Anyway, people who speak spanish didn't mind driving a car called "No Go", but people in French Canada don't want to drive a Lacrosse because it refers to a slang term for masturbation.
Chevy's 'No-Va' and Other Durable Urban Legends [FYI Blog]
The Buick Lacrosse: Beauty or Beast, FYI: GM Expansive New Blog Empire [internal]